Forensic Science

DNAbiotec® has been involved in the forensics sector since its inception.

The DNAbiotec® Team has been involved in court cases in the following capacities:

  • Audit of forensic DNA evidence in court cases.
  • Evaluation of other expert witness testimony on DNA evidence.
  • Expert witness in court cases with DNA evidence.

DNAbiotec®  has been involved in the forensics science field in the following capacities:

  • We have performed services in DNA evidence based court cases since the start of DNAbiotec® in 2001.
  • We have developed the Essential DNA Evidence™ short course to train legal professionals how to handle DNA evidence in court.
  • DNAbiotec® developed the first formal Forensic Science Qualification in South Africa that was registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) on tender for the (SASSETA). The National Certificate in Forensic Science, Registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), a Unit Standard based Qualification which was implemented by SAPS.
  • We have been involved in several national regulating bodies in order to set the standards for forensic science in South Africa.